November 2, 2018


Please log onto your portal accounts and go to the “My Profile” tab and check to make sure your contact information (especially the email address) is up to date.  It is very important to keep this information updated as the Department of Education uses the email address that is in the users’ Portal account to send vital information.  Thank you!!


SPED Proportionate Share Worksheet for Non-Public Schools – 2019-2020

OPEN:  November 1 – CLOSES:  December 15

Contact: Pete Biaggio (402-471-4308) in the Office of Special Education

All school districts (including districts that do NOT have approved/accredited non-public schools or exempt home schools located within the district‘s jurisdiction) are required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to complete and submit the 2019-2020 IDEA Proportionate Share application.  This collection is found under the “Data Collection” tab in the portal.  This collection is based on the October 1, 2018 child count of eligible children with disabilities (ages 3-21) and determines the amount of IDEA funds that must be expended for eligible parentally placed children with disabilities in an accredited/approved nonpublic school and/or an exempt home school within the school district boundaries.


Teacher Vacancy Survey – 2018-2019 – NDE Portal Collection

DUE DATE:  November 10

Contact: Karen Buller (402-471-4837 or

The annual Teacher Vacancy Survey collects statewide teacher vacancy information that is used to determine teacher shortage areas.  This information is used to qualify content areas eligible for a number of state and federal teacher loan forgiveness opportunities and to inform research regarding teacher supply and shortage initiatives.  Public districts, Nonpublic systems and Educational Service Units will find the Teacher Vacancy Survey – 2018-2019 in the ONLINE list on the NDE Portal under the Data Collections Tab.  An activation code is required. Check with your District Administrator to acquire the code.  Audit window close date: December 10

Collection to be completed by Public, Nonpublic, ESU


2018-19 ESSA Consolidated Application

Contact the NDE ESSA Consultant for your District/ESU

The 2018-19 ESSA Consolidated Application became available on October 4, 2018 and will be due Thursday, November 15.  Grants included in the application:

-Title I-A: Educationally Disadvantaged

-Title I-D:  Neglected/Delinquent

-Title II-A:  Supporting Effective Instruction

-Title III-A:  English Language Acquisition (English Learners & Immigrant Education)

-Title IV-A:  Student Support and Academic Enrichment


2018-19 NDE ESSA Reviewer Assignments

ESU & Districts Associated with the ESU  

NDE Reviewer Name





1 Karen Hardin 402-471-2968
2 Pat Frost 402-471-2478
3 Kirk Russell 402-471-2741
4 Terri Schuster 402-471-4694
5 Pat Frost 402-471-2478
6 Karen Hardin 402-471-2968
7 Pat Frost 402-471-2478
8 Kirk Russell 402-471-2741
9 Cathy Mohnike 402-471-1419
10 Cathy Mohnike 402-471-1419
11 Jan Handa 402-471-0876
13 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
15 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
16 Cathy Mohnike 402-471-1419
17 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
18 Beth Wooster 402-471-2452
19 Beth Wooster 402-471-2452



Support Services (Flexible Funding Option)


Contact:  Pete Biaggio (402 471-4308 or

Support Services (Flexible Funding Option) projects provide the use of special education funding for the “preventative” support services targeting “students not identified or verified as having a disability… but who demonstrate a need for specially designed assistance in order to benefit from the school’s general education curriculum.”

Support Services -Flex Funding information and applications are now available in the Grants Management System (GMS).  NDE GMS Login


Time & Effort Logs for Federal Grants (ESSA, IDEA, & CTE)

Contact:  Shane Rhian (402-471-4313 or

All staff paid with Federal grants through NDE must complete an acceptable time and effort log to adequately document the allocation of their salaries and benefits to that grant.  NDE Grants Management Staff will be requesting copies of time and effort logs when reviewing final reimbursement request for 2017-18 grants in the Grants Management System.  Please refer to the NDE State and Federal Grants Management Guidance (beginning on page 41) and sample logs at the following link:



2018 Cohort Data Review

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (Helpdesk Request from the NDE Portal or

The 2018 4 year cohort data was due October 15.  Please review the data in the NSSRS Validation under the System Lookups.  Change the Year in the upper left-hand corner for 2018-06-30.  Under System Lookups select Graduation Cohort Analysis Tool.  Choose district or school, if you only have one high school, these should be the same, select 2018 and then Click on Submit.

Look for UR – Unresolved Issues and get those resolved.  Click on the number by Current Graduation Cohort (4) and then you can review the cohort by subgroup, clicking on the numbers to get a list of those students included in that subgroup.  When you get that list, check for Enroll Info, is that column is expanded, you may have students that have shown up in other districts and can maybe be removed from your cohort.