August 15, 2019


Please log onto your portal accounts and go to the My Profile tab and check to make sure your contact information (especially the email address) is up to date.  It is very important to keep this information updated as the Department of Education uses the email address that is in the users’ Portal account to send vital information.  Thank you!!


Student Unique Identifier (Uniq-ID) / ADVISER Person ID

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk

Public Schools, Nonpublic Systems, Special Purpose Schools, ESU Head Start Schools, Post-Secondary

All students in Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 12 (Public, Nonpublic, Special Purpose Schools and ESU Head Start Schools) and Postsecondary students (Nebraska Community Colleges, State Colleges and University of Nebraska students) need their state IDs updated every school year with current school information.  This includes all new AND returning students.  Information to update includes items that have changed year over year (grade level, school building, and school year).

The Student Unique Idenitfier collection is found in the NDE Portal under the Student & Staff (NSSRS) tab.  (An activation code is required.)  Step-by-Step instructions for the Student Uniq-ID update process.  (Public/Special Purpose Schools:  These updates should be made prior to turning on your Ed-Fi submission in your Student Information System for 2019-2020 school year.)

ADVISER Person ID is still coming soon.  This system will replace Student Unique Identifier (Uniq-ID).  All information updated in the Student Unique Identifier (Uniq-ID) collection will be included in the transfer of data into ADVISER Person ID in the future.  It is important to update Student Unique Identifier as soon as possible, so changes are included in the system transfer to ADVISER Person ID.  IF you come to an NDE Fall workday, NDE can help you with this process.  HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!



Rule 10 Assurance StatementOPENS:  September 16 – DUE:  November 1


Public Schools Only

All accredited school systems (public and non-public) are required to complete a Rule 10 Assurance Statement annually. The Assurance Statement must be completed to reflect compliance or indicate areas of noncompliance as your school system starts the 2019-2020 school year.

The Assurance Statement for public school districts is web-based and will be available on the NDE Portal under the Data Collections tab beginning Monday, September 16.  An activation code is required to add the collection to the NDE Portal account.  Public Schools must submit their Assurance Statement through the NDE Portal by November 1.  Paper copies will not be accepted.


Note:  Nonpublic, Special Purpose, Rule 18, and ESUs must continue to submit paper copies of their Assurance Statements to the NDE.


Please note the following:

  1. In the online Assurance Statement, public school district administrators will be asked to check Yes or No for each Rule 10 item in the statement, indicating compliance or non-compliance.
  2. Superintendents will receive a letter and an email, both of which will include links to the NDE website, where Rule 10 and supporting documents can be found.


New for the 2019-20 school year,

  1. A Download PDF button is available again this school year at the bottom of the Assurance Statement for the purpose of downloading and saving a copy of your responses after submission to the NDE.
  2. Currently, when the NO response is checked, a text box opens to explain the NO response. A YES text box has been added at the end of the Assurance Statement for the purpose of explaining, defining, or expanding upon any YES responses.


For assistance in accessing the portal, please contact the NDE Helpdesk at:


2019-2020 Staff ReportingOPENED:  August 5 – DUE:  September 15

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (888-285-0556 or

Public Schools, Nonpublic Systems, Special Purpose Schools, Rule 18 Schools and ESU’s

The 2019-2020 Staff Reporting collection opened Monday, August 5.  State statute requires Public Districts and Nonpublic Systems to submit a Fall Personnel Report by September 15.  The Staff Reporting data collection is located under the Student & Staff tab in the NDE Portal.  Special Purpose Schools (State Operated), Education Service Units and Interim Programs (Rule 18) should report during this timeframe as well.  Options for submission are online entry and upload.  Staff Reporting Instructions are available here:  Staff Instruction Manual 2019-2020.  Appendix A in the Staff Reporting Instructions details the changes that were made since 2018-2019.

When completing the Staff Reporting 2019-2020, double check to make sure the email addresses are correct for each staff member that is required to have one.  If a correction is made to the email address that NDE had in Staff Reporting, have the staff member log into their NDE Portal account under the “My Profile” tab and verify if their email address is correct, or have them update it.  NDE uses the email addresses from Staff Reporting and the NDE Portal for communications so keeping them current is very important.



SAVE THE DATE:  Nebraska PowerSchool Users Group Workshop

Contact:  Aimee Muehling


The Nebraska PowerSchool Users Group (NEPSUG) Workshop will be Sept 17 at ESU10 in Kearney, NE.  Registration and schedule information coming soon.  Please mark your calendars.



2019-2020 High Ability Learners CollectionOPENED:  August 1 – DUE:  August 31

Contact:  Cory Epler (402-471-3240 or

Public Schools Only


The 2019-2020 High Ability Learners Collection opened on August 1 under the Data Collections tab in the NDE Portal website.  The High Ability Learners reports are due on or before August 31. The collection audit window closes on September 14.



Summer School Supplement (CDC collection)AUDIT WINDOW CLOSES:  August 31

Contact:  NDE Helpdesk (888-285-0556 or

Public Schools Only


The Summer School Supplement opened in the CDC on August 1.  This collection is due on August 15 with the audit window from August 16 through August 31.  At the end of each regular school term the Nebraska Department of Education collects the attendance data for each school district in Nebraska.  State total ADA is reported to the U.S. Department of Education and is used in formulas for allocating federal entitlement for Title 1, Impact Aid, Indian Education and other federal programs.



2019-20 ESSA Consolidated ApplicationOPENED:  July 31 – DUE:  September 12

Contact:  The ESSA Reviewer for your District/ESU


The ESSA Consolidated Application for 2019-20 is now available in the GMS System ( and is due to NDE by September 12.  The grants include 2019-20 current funds plus 2018-19 reallocation funds for some grants.  These amounts are available on the Allocations page and districts will be required to budget the entire amount that appears on the budget pages,  If the application for the district is approved prior to October 1, only a portion of the funds will appear on the Grant Award Notification (GAN) for Title I-A and Title II-A.  This is because a portion of the funds are received on July 1 and the remainder on October 1.  When the entire allocation becomes available, the GANs will be regenerated and the entire amount will then be included in the GAN.


Contact information for the 2019-29 ESEA/ESSA Reviewers is listed below.

1 Adrian Bowen 402-471-2968
2 Pat Frost 402-471-2478
3 Kirk Russell 402-471-2741
4 Allyson Olson 402-471-4694
5 Pat Frost 402-471-2478
6 Adrian Bowen 402-471-2968
7 Pat Frost 402-471-2478
8 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
9 Cathy Mohnike 402-471-1419
10 Cathy Mohnike 402-471-1419
11 Jan Handa 402-471-0876
13 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
15 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
16 Cathy Mohnike 402-471-1419
17 Kim Larson 402-471-4824
18 Tim Vanderheiden 402-471-1749
19 Kirk Russell 402-471-2741



District Curriculum Contact InformationOPENED:  August 1 – DUE: September 15

Contact:  Cory Epler (402-471-3240 or

Public Schools, Special Purpose Schools and ESU’s


Using the District Curriculum Contact Information form, located under the Data Collections tab in the NDE Portal, select District Curriculum Contact Information to provide contact information for up to three curriculum contacts.  (An activation code is required.)  Information that has been submitted previously should be checked for accuracy.  The curriculum contacts are the primary contact for information related to standards, instruction, and instructional materials (curriculum, interventions, etc.)


Curriculum Contacts are those individuals that have an understanding of curricula/instructional materials being used by the school district, coordinate curricula/instructional materials selection processes for the school district, and ultimately have responsibility for the implementation of curricula/instructional materials being used.


Instructional Materials Data CollectionOPENED:  August 1 – DUE: September 15

Contact: Cory Epler (402-471-3240 or

Public Schools, Special Purpose Schools and Rule 18’s


The purpose of the Instructional Materials Data Collection is to gather more information about the most commonly used instructional materials in Nebraska.  These data will ensure all students have an opportunity to learn from high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials and help inform curricula-specific professional learning.  The Instructional Materials Data Collection is located in the NDE Portal under the Data Collections tab.  (An activation code is required.)


This data collection should be completed by district staff that have knowledge of the instructional materials used by the school district for K-12 English Language Arts, K-12 mathematics, and K-8 science.  Respondents will be asked to report instructional materials for the following grade bands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 (ELA and mathematics only) and the year in which the instructional materials were adopted. In addition, districts will be asked to indicate the primary assessment used to determine if a student has a reading deficiency (per the Reading Improvement Act).


New PowerSchool ADVISER Google Group

Contact:  Aimee Muehling


Attention PowerSchool Public School Districts.  The VST team has set up a Nebraska PowerSchool ADVISER google group.  This group will be the primary way that you will receive information/announcements that are specific to PowerSchool regarding ADVISER such as updates, known issues, fixes, available trainings etc.  We would like at least one person from each PowerSchool district to be a member of the group.  In the next few weeks you may receive an invite to join, please accept.  You can also ask to join by clicking on the following link that will take you to the group page where you can click on the Apply for Membership Link.  You need to be signed in to your Google account to see this link.


Assessment & Accountability Key Dates

Contact:  Jeremy Heneger (402-471-2495 or or Lane Carr 402-471-3138 or

Public and Special Purpose Schools Only


Below are key dates for the release of Accountability for a Quality Education System, Today and Tomorrow (AQuESTT) and Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS) data.  Published data elements can be found on the Nebraska Education Profile (NEP), the Nebraska Department of Education’s one-stop education data website.  For more information, please visit:


August 5, 2019 Printed NSCAS Alternate Individual Student Reports (ISRs) delivered to districts
August 12-20, 2019 NSCAS District Preliminary Data Clean-up Window
August 30, 2019 Printed NSCAS ACT Individual Student Reports (ISRs) delivered to districts
September 25, 2019

(Secure Release)


Assessment Performance, Attendance, Participation, Demographics, and AQuESTT Raw Classification data published to the NEP Secure Portal (district view only, not public), district data validity verification
September 27, 2019 Notification of Evidence-based Analysis (EBA) adjustment-eligible schools


October 9, 2019

(Public Release)


Full Data Profile and Snapshot published on NEP with AQuESTT Classification and Assessment data (full public view)


October 14, 2019 Evidence-based Analysis (EBA) evidence due to NDE (for adjustment-eligible schools)
October 15-November 1, 2019


Review of Evidence-based Analysis (EBA) evidence
October 21-25, 2019 Printed NSCAS General Individual Student Reports (ISRs) delivered to districts
November 27, 2019

(Public Release)

Final AQuESTT Classifications, including EBA adjustments, published on the NEP


Nebraska Education Profile (NEP) Data Element Release Dates

Contact:  Matt Hastings (402 471-2748)

Public Schools Only


Below are the data element release dates for the 2019 Nebraska Education Profile (NEP).  The NEP provides information and data about Nebraska public schools and student performance.  The majority of Nebraska education data for the 2019-2020 school year will be released to the public via the NEP on October 9, 2019. Schools and districts can preview most data elements on September 25, 2019, ahead of the public release, through the NEP Secure collection, located in the NDE Portal under the Data Collections tab.  (An activation code is required.)  For more information, please visit:


Data Element NEP Secure NEP Public
AQuESTT Classification
AQuESTT Classification 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
AQuESTT Classification for EBA-Adjustment Eligible Schools 11/27/2019
Education Technology
District Tech Profile 10/09/2019
Snapshot & Full Data Profile
Membership/Race Ethnicity 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Teacher/Race Ethnicity 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Teacher Experience 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Program Participation
English Learners 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Free & Reduced Lunch 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
High Ability Learners (Gifted) 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Special Education 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Special Education Performance Part B 06/15/2020 06/15/2020
Attendance Rates 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Dropout Rates 11/27/2019 11/27/2019
NSCAS ACT 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
NSCAS ELA/Math/Science 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
EDPA 21 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Results Matter Gold 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
National Assessment Instrument (NAI) 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
Graduation Cohort Rates 11/27/2019 11/27/2019
College-going Rates 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
State Aid/Finance/Per Pupil Cost 02/01/2020 02/01/2020
School Mobility/Highly Mobile 11/27/2019 11/27/2019
ESSA Inexperienced Educators/Provisional 09/25/2019 10/09/2019
ESSA Out-of-Field Teachers 11/27/2019 11/27/2019


Special Education Financial Reporting System (SPEDFRS)

Contact:  Lori Adams (402-471-2637 or

Public Schools and ESU’s Only

A “new” Special Education Financial Reporting system called Special Education Financial Reporting System (SPEDFRS) is being implemented for 2018-2019 to report final expenditure information per Rule 51.  The collection will be located in the NDE Portal under the Data Collection tab.  An activation code would be required to access this collection.

This system combines final financial reporting for SPED Birth to Age Five, SPED School Age and SPED Transportation.  The due date for this combined data collection is October 31 with an anticipated available date of September 23.  More information to come.