April 18, 2019


Please log onto your portal accounts and go to the “My Profile” tab and check to make sure your contact information (especially the email address) is up to date.  It is very important to keep this information updated as the Department of Education uses the email address that is in the users’ Portal account to send vital information.  Thank you!!


Register Now

Champions for Equity in Education:  Better Data – Better Decisions

2019 NDE Data ConferenceApril 29-30, 2019 Younes Conference Center Kearney, Nebraska

Contact:  Debe Dockhorn (402-471-2748 or debe.dockhorn@nebraska.gov) Jeannie Chastain (402-471-2288 or jeannie.chastain@nebraska.gov)

The NDE Data Conference will be held April 29-30, 2019 at the Younes Conference Center – Kearney, Nebraska.

This conference will provide opportunities to learn about how to improve data quality in the first-year of ADVISER statewide implementation, as well as hear from experts about the latest policies and techniques in education data.  The conference is open to all Nebraska Public School Districts’ educators but the main audience are the people that input information into the Student Information System or those in charge of the Student Information System as well as the Administrators that “approve” the data.  This conference will help to get the teams on the same page and know who to contact at NDE if there are questions, issues or concerns.

To register, or for more information, visit the conference website at https://www.education.ne.gov/dataservices/events/.



Time and Effort SupportAll Federal Grants

Contact: Tom Goeschel (402-471-3571 or tom.goeschel@nebraska.gov)

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires an employee whose salary and wages are supported, in whole or in part, with Federal funds to document his/her time spent working on Federal programs in order to ensure charges to each Federal program reflect an accurate account of the employee’s time and effort devoted to that program.  The CFR addresses two types of documentation:  semiannual certifications and personnel activity reports.

All Federal grants (IDEA, Title, Perkins, Homeless, Migrant, Early Childhood, etc.) that claim salaries/wages for reimbursement are required to have time and effort logs with their final submission.  Failure to comply with this regulation is non-compliance with Federal grant requirements and can result in the funding required to be returned.  When the school districts and ESU’s applied for these funds you also agreed to comply with the Federal regulations that goes with these types of funds.

Time and Effort logs must be supported with the NSSRS Staff Reporting system using the appropriate instructional SPI Code-Position Assignment.  The deadline for the updating the NSSRS Staff Reporting system is June 30.


2019-2020 Early Childhood Endowment (Sixpence) GrantOpen in GMS – DUE:  May 3

Contact:  Stephanni Renn (402-476-9401 or srenn@nebraskachildren.org) or Karen Pinkelman (402-476-9401 or kpinkelman@nebraskachildren.org)

This grant is only available to specified districts/ESUs for continuation of current grants.  Due to NDE May 3.


2019-2020 Perkins Consolidated GrantOpen in GMS – DUE:  May 22

Contact Katie Graham (402-471-3104 or katie.graham@nebraska.gov)

The 2019-2020 Perkins Consolidated Grant application is open in the GMS.  Due to NDE May 22.


2019-2020 SPED Planning Region Team (PRT) GrantDUE:  August 1

Contact: Cole Johnson (402-471-4318 or cole.johnson@nebraska.gov)

The 2019-2020 SPED Planning Region Team (PRT) Grant application is open in the GMS.  Due to NDE August 1.


2019-2020 U.S. Department of Education

REAP (SRSA) Grant has opened in Grants.gov – DUE DATE:  APRIL 26, 2019

Contact:  Kirk Russell (402-471-2741 or kirk.russell@nebraska.gov)

Apply Now Small, Rural, School Achievement Program (SRSA).  The purpose of the Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) program is to provide rural LEAs with financial assistance to fund initiatives aimed at improving student academic achievement.

Local education agencies (LEAs) are entitled to funds if they meet basic eligibility and application requirements.  Awards are issued annually, and award amounts are determined using a formula.

To register/apply, or for more information go to Grants.gov



Special Education Post-School OutcomesOPEN:  April 1 – DUE DATE:  April 30

Contact:  Alice Senseney (402-471-2775 or alice.senseney@nebraska.gov)

The report for submitting contact information for students with a disability who exited special education in 2017-2018 school year is located on the NDE Portal under the Data Collection tab.  Accurate student contact information will assure your students will be contacted and included in this required Post School Outcome collection.  Please be sure to scroll down on the report to enter each student’s contact information as indicated. This collection is considered for each school district’s annual federally required “determination”.


IDEA MOE for Compliance StandardOPEN: March 15 – DUE DATE: April 30

Contact: Pete Biaggio (402-471-4308 or pete.biaggio@nebraska.gov)

IDEA Part B Special Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Application for Compliance Standard for school year 2017-2018 opens on March 15.  The report may be accessed within the NDE Portal under the Data Collection tab.

School district receipt of IDEA dollars is contingent upon maintaining fiscal effort for Special Education.  Districts must expend a greater or equal amount of local or local/state funds from a previous year highest level to meet the MOE requirement. Final calculations based on actual special education school district expenditures/receipts/data obtained from the 2017-2018 AFR, GMS and NSSRS are available and have been compared to the highest levels of fiscal effort.  As a result, calculations for meeting the IDEA MOE Compliance Standard may have resulted in a MOE excess or shortage that requires school district review for determination of adjustments or credits that could modify the MOE level.