Commissioner’s Report on Health Education Standards Process

Hundreds of Nebraskans attended the State Board of Education meeting in Kearney, NE with 75 speakers for and against the proposed Health Education Standards. The Nebraska State Board of Education gave an update on the process of the proposed standards.  Feedback on the first draft of the standards has been accepted through a public input survey. Once the second draft is available, a second survey will be launched for feedback.

Draft Proposal of Health Education Standards

CEDARS Youth Services to Support Students Who Have Experienced Homelessness

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on education,  the board voted to provide funds to CEDARS to provide enhanced educational support to young people who have experienced homelessness and those who are served by out of home care and community based juvenile justice programs in Lincoln and Lancaster County. Youth in these programs are often at risk for poor educational outcomes. The CEDARS education team provides tutors, mentoring, and advocacy in partnership with local high schools. CEDARS also assists with college access including campus tours, assistance with applications and financial aid, and support while attending area colleges and universities.

CEDARS Educational Support Funding

Funding Approved for Continued Services and Support for Priority Schools

Board members voted to extend services to priority schools due to the impact of the pandemic. This extension expands the timeframe from two to three years. The new end date will be June 30, 2022.

Priority School Support

Early Childhood Education Program Grants Awarded

Grants for new and expanded Early Childhood Education Program grants will be provided to four public school districts to provide collaborative early childhood programs to serve at-risk three- and four-year-old children.
The purpose of the Early Childhood Education Grant Program is to improve equity of access to early childhood education/prekindergarten programs. Funds to continue current programs were also awarded. Approximately 1,680 children are expected to be served in the 2021-2022 school year as a result of this funding.

New Early Childhood Education Program Grants

Continuation Grants for Early Childhood Education Programs

Commissioner’s Contract Extended

The board approved a contract extension with a two percent raise this year and next year for Nebraska Education Commissioner Matthew L. Blomstedt. The Commissioner’s new contract will run through June 2024.

Commissioner’s Contract

Contracts Approved for Statewide Assessments in 2021-2022

The board approved a contract with ACT to provide all juniors the ACT assessment as part of the Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS). The Board also approved contracts with Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for the NSCAS alternate assessments and Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) for the NSCAS general assessments for 2021-2022.

Statewide Summative Assessment Contracts