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Activity 2: Formative Assessment

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  1. Why did officials in the United States feel some hostility to the Soviet Union in the 1930s?

    1. Soviet factories were a major source of air pollution throughout the world.
    2. The Soviet Union was helping Adolf Hitler to spread Nazism to other countries.
    3. The Soviet Union was damaging U.S. agriculture because of the efficiency of its farms.
    4. The Soviet Union had the goal of establishing communism throughout the entire world.
  2. Why did Soviet leaders distrust Great Britain and the United States in the 1930s?

    1. Great Britain and the United States had nuclear weapons.
    2. Great Britain and the United States had an anti-Soviet alliance with Germany.
    3. Great Britain and the United States passed laws to keep their citizens from purchasing Soviet agricultural and industrial products.
    4. Great Britain and the United States were so hostile to communism that they invaded Russia to oppose communists around the time when World War I ended.
  3. What led the Soviet Union to join with Great Britain and the United States to become allies during much of World War II?

    1. German military forces invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.
    2. Communist thinkers changed their theories of capitalism during the 1940s.
    3. The people of the Soviet Union elected a new leader who had more trust for Great Britain and the United States.
    4. The Soviet Union wanted to gain more business for its companies and could sell lots of its products to Great Britain and the United States.
  4. For what purpose was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed?

    1. To unite the nations of Eastern Europe in a military alliance
    2. To establish a western military alliance to contain communism
    3. To send American economic and military aid to Eastern Europe
    4. To encourage the spread of democracy in the Western Hemisphere
  5. Answer the questions:
    1. Why was this conflict between the East and West called the Cold War?
    2. Explain a difference in the eastern and western perspectives of the Cold War.
  6. What did the Soviet Union do following World War II that alarmed the United States and Great Britain? Fill in all three boxes for each question.

      What action did the Soviet Union take that alarmed the United States and Great Britain? Why did the Soviet Union take that action? Why did the Soviet Union’s action alarm the United States and Great Britain?

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Additional Formative Assessment