World Language Standards Implementation Resources Stage One

Stage 1 Resources │Exploration

After State Board approval, this stage, Exploration, is the opportunity to explore the newly revised content area standards and assess readiness to implement. During this stage, time and activities focus on building understanding of the newly revised content area standards and the instructional shifts reflected within revised standards. This stage also includes communication strategies to build awareness and guide decision making related to implementation at the local level.

Key actions in Stage One Exploration are:

    • Designate a team to review the standards.
    • Become familiar with the standards.
    • Establish, with stakeholders, an ultimate proficiency goal for the world language program.
    • Review and determine areas of need through an assessment of the status quo.
    • Create a timeline to address the areas of need.

Go to “Quick Guide to Nebraska World Language Standards” workshop portal.

Supporting Components to Stage One Exploration

The Ultimate Proficiency Goal

Involve critical stakeholders in a discussion regarding the expected and needed level of language proficiency and how that may impact programming. Potential stakeholder roles: higher education representatives from area schools, business leaders, counselors, parents, students, teachers, and administrators.

Making the Point Discussion Guide Slide Show


Assessing the Status Quo

World Language Program Assessment Model
WL Program Evaluation Status Quo Expectations worksheet

Understanding the 2019 Nebraska World Language Standards

Guideline to Reading the Nebraska World Language Standards

Updated February 9, 2023 4:09pm