K-12 Districts and the Nebraska Seal of Biliteracy
Schools are encouraged to recognize the Nebraska Seal of Biliteracy. Providing access to proficiency driven world language instruction ensures each student access to greater success. Support can be evident in programming, access to assessments, recognition on transcripts and diplomas, and award ceremonies. It is suggested that each district designate an individual who can serve as the Nebraska Seal of Biliteracy liaison and communication outreach for both world language and English language learners.
There are four common assessments used to qualify for the Nebraska Seal of Biliteracy. Districts may choose to review each of the assessments in order to provide the one that best fits the needs of their students.
The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is an assessment of standards-based language learning across the three modes of communication (Interpersonal, Presentational, and Interpretive) as defined by the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning. The AAPPL assesses Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Reading, and Interpretive Listening, and ratings are assigned according to the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners.
The four components of the test take a total of approximately two hours. Each component can be administered separately. The AAPPL can be ordered as a combined four-component test or in other bundled options.
Format: online, requires a proctor, headphones, microphone.
Availability: Scheduled at the teacher’s request throughout the year.
Score Return: Scores are generally returned within two to four weeks.
Languages: The AAPPL is available in Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.
ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment (ALIRA)
The ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment (ALIRA) is a computer-adaptive assessment of Latin students’ ability to read for comprehension a variety of Latin-language texts that typify those used in an instructional setting. ALIRA is rated according to the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners.
ALIRA must be completed within 50 minutes, as it is designed to be given in a single class period. There is a 50-minute countdown clock for the overall test.
Format: online, requires a proctor.
Availability: Scheduled at the teacher’s request throughout the year.
Score Return: Scores are generally returned within two to four weeks.
Languages: The ALIRA is exclusively for Latin.
Advanced Placement (AP) Assessment
AP exams are standardized exams designed to measure how well you’ve mastered the content and skills of a specific AP course.
AP exams generally last two-three hours.
Format: AP Chinese Language and Culture and AP Japanese Language and Culture exams are CD-based and taken on computer. The other languages are offered as written tests. There are four sections: multiple choice, essay, response to recorded audio, and a simulated conversation on CD that requires recording an oral student response.
Availability: Scheduled according to strict national guidelines for specific dates and times in May.
Score Return: Scores are usually received by the middle of July.
Languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish Language and Culture
The Avant STAMP™ (STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency) language test was created at the University of Oregon to improve language-learning outcomes and support excellence in language programs. Avant’s assessments utilize actual cultural texts and audio you would encounter in the real world such as articles, advertisements, and news. All Avant proficiency tests are aligned to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
The STAMP 4s is not timed. It can be paused and resumed. On average, it takes two hours to complete the assessment.
Format: Online, proctor, headphones and microphone required.
Availability: Scheduled at the teacher’s request throughout the year.
Score Return: Scores are usually available within five-seven business days.
Languages: The STAMP 4S is offered in Arabic, Cantonese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Simplified & Traditional), Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Yup’ik (Coming Soon!), Swahili (Coming Soon!), Yoruba (Coming Soon!).