Elementary Resource Materials
Best Web Offerings
Worlds of Words and the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL)
These kits come with a resource notebook that provides strategies and support on how to best use the literature designed in the kit. Although these kits are only available to educators in Tucson, Arizona, the support materials are all viewable online. Districts can then use a vendor to purchase the children’s books.
- International Children’s Digital Library (books in variety of languages)
International Children’s Digital Library Foundation
Free, digital online books provided in browser. No subscription needed.
- Establishing High-Quality Foreign Language Programs in Elementary SchoolsNortheast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University
December 2000
Curriculum Model
Project created through In-Vision: Technology Challenge Grant by In-Vision Staff with the cooperation of ESU 3 and 5. This K-8 curriculum offers a free elementary Spanish curriculum with a flexible scope and sequence.
Professional Associations