Learn a Language: Beat the Machine
Second Language Learning v. Google
Google reported that their most sought characteristics in employees are soft skills such as communicating and listening well, having empathy, and being a critical thinker. Although most of the world has come to rely on instant, online translation for easy answers, there are some important ways in which the human brain continues to beat the machine.
Translation programs will never be able to negotiate for meaning. Think of how often we negotiate in conversation. “Do you mean to say, ‘Give the book to Paul?’ or ‘Give the pen to Paul?’?”. Perhaps we mean to give the pen to Pauline. Translation programs can’t distinguish the nuances that we mean but don’t say and lack the ability to ask for clarification.
When you consider further that elements of humor, feeling, intuition and non-verbal response are not mechanical concepts, you can clearly see that the value of language to be immersed in meaning.