DAC Update 7.23.20
NDE Day Administrator Days July 29, 2020
Be sure to register for Administrators’ Days-NDE Day. The Statewide Assessment Office has a whole series of live presentations. These will all be recorded if you are not able to attend in person. As a whole, we plan to cover the big picture of assessment for the coming year.
New DAC Statewide Assessment Overview August 4, 2020
The Statewide Assessment Overview is intended for new DACs but everyone is welcome to attend. The overview focuses on big picture general information such as processes and where to find resources. The session is scheduled from 9-12:30 and will be recorded for those unable to attend the live event.
Virtual Regional Workshop October 8, 2020 (save the date)
The 2020-21 Assessment Regional Workshop will be held as a single virtual event on October 8, 2020. The session is scheduled from 9 am to noon. The Assessment Regional Workshop is typically an annual series of events that are utilized to convey detailed information about the NDE’s statewide assessment program. The session will be recorded for those unable to attend the live event. Registration will be shared information when available.
Professional Learning Opportunity Kick-Start for Fall Planning
The unprecedented COVID-19 school closures are affecting student academic achievement—so how can you plan for potential accelerated learning loss and greater learning variance among students? Join us to explore our recent research on learning loss—and discover practical strategies for addressing it. In this upcoming session, we’ll focus on helping you understand, plan for, and mitigate the potential impacts of this extended pause when students return to school. We will also have a special presentation by Dr. Nate Jensen on the updated 2020 Norms. We have included a copy of the PDF Registration Flyerfor you to share with other administrators as they are able to attend.
Register today for this session and join your colleagues around the state to prepare for a virtual day of professional learning
Launch Nebraska Assessment Resources
Hopefully everyone has had an opportunity to review the resources provided from the Launch Nebraska project. For the Assessment Webinar we used and unpublished source from CCSSO. The Restart & Recovery: Assessment Considerations for Fall 2020 is now available and we wanted to make sure everyone had access to this helpful resource.
ACT Fall Testing
The students in the 2021 Cohort will be provided the opportunity to take the ACT this fall. The Schedule of Events pdf and multiple resources are available on the ACT Nebraska Website under The ACT – Fall Testing tab. Please consider bookmarking that page for your convenience. ACT Test Center Social Distancing Guidelines
ACT Accommodations- If your school has requested accommodations for students in the 2021 cohort, these approved accommodations are still valid. Each school will need to request a new test date for each individual student in the TAA system. Please note, you must choose September 22 for all students, even if you are testing on October 6. The deadline for this process and new accommodations requests is August 21, 2020.
On August 3, 2020, ACT Pearson Access Next (PA Next) will be updated with the fall test date. You will receive an email from ACT about your access and passwords before the opening of the system. The student lists will be available on August 5, 2020 for you to review and make changes if necessary.
ACT – Fall Student Roster Review REMINDER
Districts have until tomorrow, Friday, July 24, 2020 to review and make any need corrections through ADVISER on their student roster for the 2020 Fall ACT administration for their 2021 cohort students. This data was pulled from the 2019-20 final data in ADVISER. Please refer to the 7/20/2020 email sent out from Stacey Weber for details on how to review your roster file. NOTE: there is an updated Who Reports Version 4.0 NDE posted last Friday.
Roster files in PA Next will be available after August 5th and districts will have the opportunity to make further corrections due to changes in the new academic year (2020-2021). All corrections on student lists will need to be completed by August 21, 2020 to receive updated barcode labels. Corrections can be made in PA Next until September 11, but barcode labels will not be available for these additional students.
ELPA21 and TIDE Access
TIDE is the test management system for ELPA21. When NDE is informed of new DACs, the new DAC is added as a district-level user in TIDE. Each DAC should log into TIDE and review and update their district and building users as needed. Log into TIDE at the NE portal: https://ne.portal.cambiumast.com/. For questions or assistance, contact Allyson Olson at allyson.olson@nebraska.gov.
We know you are all busy and appreciate how difficult it is to plan for assessment activities for the upcoming year. The Statewide Assessment Office is experiencing some of the same difficulties. We are working on plans but also will be responsive to the ever changing circumstances of the school year.
The Statewide Assessment Office