Step Up To Quality Stories

Step 2: Training

Even Olympic-level athletes train.

New technologies are always sprouting up, new techniques are always being discovered and new records are always being broken. The pursuit for excellence never ends – which means it’s more about the journey than the end result.

The same applies to Step Up to Quality.

“We want all providers to know we celebrate every Step they achieve. Every task they complete throughout the process means they are deepening their commitment to quality care for the children they serve, and that’s our ultimate goal,” said Program Coordinator Morgan Krull.

In this second of a three-part series, we’re outlining each part of the Step Up to Quality path. Here’s all about Step 2!

Take Your Time

If you are continually inspired by learning new things and often seek out development opportunities, you’re going to love Step 2.

Step 2 is all about training. The important thing to remember about Step 2, and about the whole Step Up to Quality process, is that it’s self paced. It’s not a race, so don’t feel pressure to get through these training sessions in a hurry.

The Steps Within Step 2

Beyond training, you’ll be required to finish a few more tasks to complete Step 2. Please note that if you’ve already taken one or more of these training courses, you won’t need to repeat them, but you’ll need to verify completion through the Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System (NECPRS).

Here’s the breakdown of Step 2:

  • Complete the following training:
    • At least 4 Early Learning Guidelines (ELG) Domains (24 hours)
    • Special Care training (3 hours)
    • Introduction to the Environment Rating Scales or Introduction to the CLASS training (4 hours)
  • Complete Go NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care) pre self-assessment — this involves completing a form that covers five areas: nutrition, physical activity, outdoor play, screen time, breastfeeding and infant feeding.
  • Complete the coach interest questionnaire — as you near the end of Step 2, if you’d like to have a professional coach help you through Steps 3-5, we’ll happily work with you to find a coach who fits your needs. While optional, we think this is one of the best benefits for providers on the entire Step Up to Quality journey, so we hope you’ll take advantage of this free support! You can request this questionnaire by completing our form.

Step 2, Check!

You did it! You’ve reached Step 2 when you’ve finished all the training outlined above, completed your Go NAPSACC pre self-assessment and applied in NECPRS. The coaching questionnaire is optional, but we think our professional coaches help providers stay motivated on their Step Up to Quality path.

Now that you’ve reached Step 2, you’ll start receiving financial incentives and other benefits, too. Congratulations!