Resources for School Districts

The key to suicide prevention is having all school staff prepared to intervene and respond when suicide concerns are evident consistently. These resources assist schools in developing clear and proactive school policies and procedures to protect students at risk of suicide and to offer targeted support for the school community in the aftermath of a suicide. Further information is available in the Nebraska School Suicide Prevention Resource Guide, updated quarterly. Links are provided below if additional relevant information becomes available in the interim.

Approved Staff Suicide Prevention Training for Meeting Mandated 1-Hour Training Requirement

As per Nebraska statute 79-2: 145 & 146, all public school employees who interact with students must receive at least one hour of behavioral/mental health training with a focus on suicide awareness and prevention each year. The trainings that have been vetted and approved to meet the mandated 1 hour of training schools were updated in 2023 and are linked below

Additional resources that will be added to the Nebraska School Suicide Resource Guide in the next update:

Toolkit for Risk Assessment Screening: 



Toolkit for Supporting Students During Re-entry: This is a collection of resources to assist schools in providing targeted support for students re-entering school after a suicide attempt or related absence since there is an elevated suicide risk during the initial weeks after their return.


Updated On-Demand Training for Suicide Risk Assessment

Updated November 1, 2024 9:44am