Request For Information NDE-21st CCLC-2018
The State of Nebraska (State), Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, is issuing this Request for Information RFI NDE-21st CCLC-2018 for the purpose of gathering information to consider providers of statewide program evaluation services and continuous improvement processes, including web-based tools for grant administration.
Written questions are due no later than June 7, 2018, and should be submitted via e-mail to
Sealed information must be received in the Department of Education on or before July 2, 2018, 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time, at which time information will be publicly opened.
Bidder should submit five (5) originals of the entire RFI response.
Sealed RFI responses should be received by the date and time of RFI opening indicated above. No late information will be accepted.