Nuts about peanut butter

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Nuts about peanut butter

Did you know . . .

… by the time the average student finishes high school, he or she will have eaten 1,500 peanut butter sandwiches.

… there are 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches in an acre of peanuts.

… about 40 million Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, banana, apples, raisins or honey sandwiches every day.

… more peanut butter is consumed on sandwiches annually than all of the jams, jellies and preserves combined.

… children prefer creamy peanut butter on their sandwiches.

… American school children consume more peanut butter than any other school children in the world.

…96 per cent of all Americans who make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches put the peanut butter side of the bread on top.

Source: Nuts About School Lunch

Read more about peanuts and peanut butter

These are links to some web sites that may be of interest to the users of the Nutrition Services web site. This is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of sites. You will be leaving the Nebraska Department of Education server when you follow these links. These links will open in a new browser window so you can continue viewing the Nutrition Services site. The Nebraska Department of Education Nutrition Services office does not endorse products; links to commercial sites are for information purposes only. – recipes, history, trivia, National Peanut month

Planters – recipes, games and more

Skippy – recipes, games and crafts for kids

The Peanut Institute – recipes, education materials, activities for kids

The National Peanut Board – recipes, games and activities for kids

George Washington Carver coloring book (USDA)

Updated February 14, 2023 1:11pm