Food and Nutrition – general information
Food and Nutrition – general information
- Diabetes
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Food preparation – cooking, recipes, menu ideas
- Fruits and vegetables
- Grains/breads
- Meats/meat alternates
- Milk
- Healthy eating and lifestyle
- Snacks
- Food Safety
- Family style meal service
- Picky eaters
- Involving children in food preparation
- Role of caregivers and adults
- Food purchasing
- CACFP record keeping and requirements
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Food Preparation – cooking, recipes, menu ideas
- Cooking the healthful way
- Juice – fruit and vegetable in a glass (recipe for 100 per cent fruit juice gelatin)
- Spicy foods – too hot to handle?
- Soups and stews – enjoy them year around
- Do your menus measure up?
- A is for Apples – all about apples, activities, recipes
- Core facts about apples
- A full year of fruits and vegetables
- Make veggies appealing to kids
- Making more of vegetables
- Vegetables – what’s in a serving size?
- Getting kids to eat their fruits and vegetables
- Nutrition education activities with fruits and vegetables
- Grains/Breads requirements
- Criteria for determining acceptable grains/breads
- Criteria for determining equivalent weight of a serving
- Definition of grains/breads
- Nutrition education activities with grains/breads
- Healthy diets for children
- Good nutrition is necessary for lifelong health
- What should children eat to stay healthy?
- Sizing up kids’ nutrition and fitness
- Strong bones – make them yours for life
- Foods that help meet calcium needs
- What is fat?
- Information about fat
- Fat, cholesterol and older Americans
- The ABCs of trimming fat
- What is cholesterol?
- Developing positive attitudes toward food
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Healthy foods mean healthy teeth
- Nutrition needs for the preschool child
- Remember children’s needs for proper nutrition
- Drink plenty of water
- Healthy habits begin in childhood
- Snacks with child appeal (recipe for soft pretzels)
- Snacking is fun for children
- 7 habits for food safety
- Tips for safe food handling
- Hand washing: the ultimate defense
- Tips for preventing choking
- Warning labels required on all untreated juices
- Safe food to go – a guide to packing lunches and picnics
- How to microwave safely
Family Style Meal Service
- Benefits of family style meal service
- Meeting the CACFP requirement for serving size when children serve themselves
- The USDA-FNS Instruction on family style meal service
- When children won’t eat
- Dealing with the picky eater
- How can I motivate a picky eater?
- Things not to say to a picky eater
Involving Children in Food Preparation
- Kids in the kitchen
- Why do we eat what we eat?
- Age appropriate activities for children in the kitchen
- Fun with food – Ideas for teaching children about different foods
- Should we force children to eat or reward them for cleaning their plates?
- Adults serve an important role at meal time
- Do’s and Don’ts for adults at meal time
- Power struggles: meal time is not a battleground
- Meal time is more than just feeding kids
- Manners are a must for young children
- Managing meal time menaces
- Tips for preventing food hassles