NDE-ESU Family Engagement Input Sessions

The goals of these meetings are to:

  • Build partnerships between Nebraska Department of Education, Nebraska Educational Service Units, schools, families, business/community focused on this work
  • Build capacity of ESU and NDE staff to co-lead state and local family and community engagement efforts
  • Support schools in strengthening family engagement efforts
  • Begin discussions that will serve as the foundation for building a Nebraska PreK-12 School-Family-Community Framework
    • Articulate a definition of family engagement for NE along with guiding principles
    • Create a coalition of stakeholders to “co-develop” this Nebraska School/Family/Community Framework alongside NDE and the Nebraska ESUs
    • Input on the question: Where should our focus be?
  • Gather input for NE State Board of Education as identified in State Board Strategic Vision and Direction (Goal 2.1)

Attendees will include:

  • Educators (e.g., school administrator, Title I leaders, classroom teachers, early childhood representative, special education educator)
  • Family members (including dads)
  • Representatives of community agencies
  • Representatives of local business and industry
  • Representatives of postsecondary institutions
  • Others interested in providing input


NDE-ESU Family Engagement Input Sessions (pptx) (pdf)


Frameworks and Toolkits from other states:

Arkansas Framework Essentials for Family and Community Engagement

Connecticut Framework

Maryland Framework

Other Resources:

Attendance Works

Bringing Attendance Home: Engaging Parents in Preventing Chronic Absence

Teaching Attendance Curriculum: Interactive Online Training Courses

Attendance in the Early Grades: Why it Matters for Reading: A Research Brief

US Department of Education

Dual Capacity Framework
English Learner Family Toolkit

National PTA

National Standards, Goals, and Indicators for Family-School Partnerships

National Standards for Family-School Partnerships: An Implementation Guide

NDE Family and Community Engagement Website

Regional Educational Laboratory *REL) Program

What does recent research and/or studies on strategies for family engagement say?

What research and resources are available about practices to strengthen family and community engagement or activism within preK-12 education, in particular among culturally diverse groups?

Tribal Best Practices Toolkit: A Toolkit with Best Practices, Research, and Resources Developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association


Updated October 7, 2022 8:33am