Why doesn’t my calculation for General Fund Regular Instruction (1100) for each of my schools match what the AFR System generates?
Amounts shown on the school level disbursements will include the amounts that were identified at the school level PLUS the allocation of district disbursements
For example: In the General Fund, the School District Grand Total reported for General Supplies (Object code 610) was $4800:
- $2500 was reported as General Supplies (Object code 610) was reported at the district level (district number 000)
- $1200 was reported as General Supplies (Object code 610) at the school level for the high school (school number 001)
- $1100 was reported as General Supplies (Object code 610) at the school level for the elementary (school number 002).
The $2500 (reported at district level) will be allocated to each school level based on the district’s ADM percentages:
- 45% high school = $1125
- 55% elementary = $1375
The high school (001) total (with the district level allocation) for General Fund Object Code 610 would be $2325 ($1200 +$1125)
The elementary school (002) total (with district level allocation) for General Fund Object Code 610 would be $2475 ($1100 + $1375)