Career Education Standards

NCE 2017-18 NCE Course Codes & Clearing Endorsements (Formerly called Appendix D)
Starts on page 63


Rule 47
Regulations for Career Academy Programs Established by School Districts
(Effective 11/19/13)
Rule 47 defines a career academy program as: A sequence of credit-bearing academic and career technical courses which reflect a Career Cluster selected in response to local, regional or state employment needs and demand for expertise.


Rule 10
Regulations and Procedures for the Accreditation of Schools
(Revised 9/15/12)
004.04B6 Career Education. The curriculum includes 80 instructional units in Career Education that include instruction in any of the following career fields: (1) Arts, Communication, and Information Systems, (2) Business, Marketing, and Management, (3) Environmental and Agricultural Systems, (4) Health Sciences, (5) Human Services and Resources, and (6) Industrial, Manufacturing, and Engineering Systems.

004.04B6d Health Sciences. The curriculum in this career field includes areas such as nutrition and food, family health, medical terminology, certified nursing assistant, and health care sciences.



Rule 24
Regulations for Certificate Endorsements
(Revised 7/2/2014)
006.12 Career Education
006.12A Grade Levels: 9 -12
006.12B Endorsement Type: Subject
006.12C The endorsement shall be valid only for a career education area where no preparation program is offered by an approved teacher training institution in Nebraska or for which a school system submits documentation that it has not found a qualified teacher for the career education teaching certificate.006.12D This endorsement shall require:
006.12D1 Completion of a prescribed course of study in a career education area at the postsecondary level, or
006.12D2 Completion of an apprenticeship program in the career education area, or
006.12D3 Demonstrated proficiency in the career education area based upon five (5) years of practice in the career area, or
006.12D4 Demonstrated proficiency by passing a competency examination approved by the industry or career education area, or
006.12D5 Current employment by a community college as an instructor to teach the career education area.006.30 Health Occupations
006.30A Grade Levels: 7–12
006.30B Endorsement Type: Subject
006.30C Persons with this endorsement may teach and manage a health occupations education program in grades 7 through 12 and function as a resource person in health within the total educational system.
006.30D Certification Endorsement Requirements: This endorsement shall require a minimum of 24 semester hours of health occupations and vocational education coursework plus work experience.

006.30D1 Health Occupations Experience: Prospective health occupations teachers must complete a minimum of 100 clock hours of observation (shadowing) of health care workers, including persons in an acute care facility, out-patient setting, and community health agency setting, OR have work experience in a health care occupation equivalent to one (1) full year within the last five (5) years.

006.30E Endorsement Program Requirements: Nebraska teacher education institutions offering this endorsement program must have on file, within the institution, a plan which identifies the courses and the course completion requirements which the institution utilizes to grant credit toward completion of this endorsement.


Updated July 10, 2024 12:00pm