NEP Secure Data Updates and Deadline for Changes
Public Districts and ESU’s
The NEP Secure collection in the NDE Portal is now available and has been updated to include the 2023-2024 Assessment, Cohort Graduation and Dropout data. The 2024 AQuESTT accountability classification report is also available within a separate collection: NEP Perceptual Survey and AQuESTT Reports. Please review your district’s data now. All data within NEP Secure should be considered embargoed until the public release in November, and is subject to change if corrections are needed.
To access either collection, if neither has been added to a users portal account, please obtain an activation code from the portal District Administrator. PLEASE NOTE: due to the new NEP Secure cloud-hosted system, when a user first adds the collection to their portal account, please allow up to 3 hours for access to be granted to the new system.
If you find that you need to make any changes to your 2023-2024 cohort data, please submit a Graduation Cohort Resolution Request through the Consolidated Data Collections (CDC) in the NDE Portal by November 15, 2024. Submitting by this date will guarantee NDE will review and process your changes before the 2023-2024 graduation rates are finalized for publication in the Nebraska Education Profile (NEP): Graduation Cohort Resolution Requests will continue to be accepted after November 15th, but any changes made will not be reflected in the NEP until the following year.