Counselor and Library/Media Specialist Not Endorsed 24-25 Collection Now Open

Public and Nonpublic

The 2024-2025 Counselor and Library/ Media Specialist Not Endorsed collection is NOW OPEN in the NDE Portal. The DUE date for this data is March 14th, 2025. This data collection is used to monitor a staff member’s progress on obtaining the proper endorsement per flexibility stated in Rule 10: Regulations and Procedures for the Accreditation of Schools.  The option for allowing individuals not properly endorsed to serve in either capacity is described in Rule 10, Section 007.04B Media/Technology Staff and Section 007.05D Guidance Staff.

For questions regarding unmet progress, please contact a member of the Accreditation team:
Todd Wolverton –
Sandy Suiter –
Decua Jean-Baptiste –

For technical assistance, please submit a support ticket to the Service Desk: