Conditional and Alternative Permit Request – Summer/Fall 2024

The purpose of this bulletin item is to provide information on how to request a conditional or alternative permit for teachers who have been hired to start in SUMMER or FALL 2024 and may not have all their necessary documentation prior to the first day of school with students.

A conditional permit allows someone to sign a contract and work as a certified staff member with a location (district) limitation and deficiencies that have not been met to issued a regular teaching certificate such as a content test. A conditional permit can also be requested for someone who has applied for a local substitute permit and has not completed the human relations training course.

An Alternative Permit is designed for an applicant to complete a program before applying for a regular certificate while being employed as a contracted teacher.
Conditional and Alternative Permits can only be requested for employment in a Nebraska school district. If an applicant has not been a continuous resident of Nebraska for the last five years, fingerprint cards will need to be sent to the certification office before any permits can be issued. Once all deficiencies listed have been satisfied on a conditional permit, a regular certificate/permit will be issued without the need to apply and pay a fee unless the conditional permit has been invalidated by the expiration date.

A conditional or alternative permit can be requested by completing the Google Form for those with Summer or Fall teaching positions at 

More information on a Conditional Permit can be found on our website at

More information on an Alternative Permit can be found on our website at

More information on a Local Substitute Permit can be found on our website at